Ink System


WB1000 Series Water Based Inks

T.W. Graphics WB 1000 Series offers a water reducible ink system for screen printing onto paper, board, most vinyls, polyester and fabrics. The 1000 Series comprises of Water Based Pigment Concentrates which are added to clear base or printing white. A Water Based Retarder is also available.

Water Based Pigment Concentrates
The pigments selected offer all of the basic colours needed to create an almost endless range of shades. These concentrates are not inks and must be used in conjunction with correct proportions of clear base and white. (Please note that black is also a concentrate which must be added to clear base). Maximum recommended addition of concentrate to base is 30%. Good stong colour intensity is achieved with 20% concentrate. Extra opaque colour intensity may be achieved by adding the white concentrate to the printing white base. The following pigments are available from London stock and are packed in US quarts.

Bases, Whites & Retarder

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